• 腰帶白背照
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TG-03 Tactics

Regular price
NT$ 5,980.00
Sale price
NT$ 5,980.00
Regular price
NT$ 5,980.00
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TG-03 Tactics


「Tactics」不僅外觀戰鬥,更注重實用性和舒適度。我們選用了特殊材質的鞋帶,確保鞋款的耐用性和舒適度解決了棉質鞋帶看起來不夠硬挺的問題。無論您是想搭配運動風或工業風,Tactics 都能成為您的忠實伙伴,為您帶來穩固的支撐和自信的步伐。

此外,「Tactics」 的設計靈感源於現代戰術風格,讓您在混凝土叢林中也能自信探索。無論是在工作中還是在休閒時光,Tactics 都能為您帶來舒適的穿著體驗。

TG-03 Tactics This shoe combines the essence of a tactical belt, bringing you unprecedented style and functionality with overseas references. Each pair of shoes has a metal tactical belt buckle sewn on the upper, which perfectly blends workwear and fashion.

「Tactics」 not only looks good in combat but also focuses on practicality and comfort. We choose shoelaces made of special materials to ensure the durability and comfort of the shoes and solve the problem of cotton shoelaces not looking stiff enough. Whether you're going for a sporty or industrial look, 「Tactics」can be your constant companion, giving you solid support and a confident stride.

In addition, the design of「Tactics」is inspired by modern tactical styles, allowing you to explore with confidence in the concrete jungle. Whether at work or at leisure, Tactics offers comfort.

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