• 白色胖胖鞋帶白背照
  • 灰色胖胖鞋帶白背照
  • 紅色胖胖鞋帶白背照
  • 綠色胖胖鞋帶白背照
  • 橘色胖胖鞋帶白背照
  • 藍色胖胖鞋帶白背照
  • 白色胖胖鞋帶白背照2
  • 正方形12
  • 正方形13
  • 正方形14

TG-06 Chubby

Regular price
NT$ 5,980.00
Sale price
NT$ 5,980.00
Regular price
NT$ 5,980.00
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[TG-06 Chubby]

- 是我們新推出的特別鞋款,在參考了海外球鞋二創文化後擺脫了傳統鞋帶的造型,以胖胖鞋帶增加視覺的張力。改善了 Air Force 原本對腳背不夠緊實的空虛感,取而代之的是充足的包覆性以及可愛的外觀!



不要被傳統框架所束縛,勇於展現自我,選擇「Chubby」,讓您的每一步都充滿足[GOAT]的自信!馬上採取行動,讓「 Chubby」成為您鞋櫃中的必備單品,讓您的風格與眾不同!

TG-02 Chubby- is our NEW special shoe model! Breaking away from the traditional shoelace design, Chubby incorporates chubby shoelaces inspired by overseas sneaker culture, adding visual tension. It addresses the issue of insufficient snugness around the ankle often found in Air Force sneakers, offering ample support and a cute appearance!

These shoelaces are more than just accessories; they're a statement of personality. Their width not only enhances the uniqueness of your footwear but also catches the eye, making you stand out in the crowd.

Chubby shoelaces」was crafted from special rope material, Chubby shoelaces boast a cute style and durability. With a variety of colors and styles available, you can freely choose the one that suits you best!

Don't be confined by traditional norms; dare to express yourself.Choose Chubby and step with confidence! Take action now and make Chubby a must-have item in your shoe collection, setting yourself apart with your unique style!

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