• 咖啡鞋白背
  • 咖啡鞋白背2
  • 正方形6
  • 正方形7
  • 正方形8
  • 正方形10
  • 正方形20
  • 正方形23


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NT$ 5,980.00
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NT$ 5,980.00
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NT$ 5,980.00
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-是一雙承襲了Chubby的胖胖鞋帶基因的衍伸鞋款 每雙鞋體都經過咖啡的特殊浸泡處理,讓它們染上了一種獨特的做舊咖啡色調。這不僅為鞋子注入了獨特的風格,還賦予了它們獨特的個性。

每一雙 「CAFE」由於是手工浸染因此色調會不盡相同,使其更顯得獨特。帶有優雅陰鬱的氣質,十分適合優雅洗鍊又不甘平凡的你。「CAFE」 的染色是我們經過無數次的嘗試,試過各種不同的咖啡豆以及不同的浸染時間最後才實驗出能讓咖啡完美顯色的黃金比例!



TG-04-CAFE is a pair of shoes that inherit Chubby's fat shoelace genes. Each pair of shoes has been specially soaked in coffee, giving them a unique old coffee tone. This not only injects a unique style into the shoes but also gives them a unique personality.

Since each pair of CAFE is hand-dyed, the color will be different, making it even more unique. With an elegant and gloomy temperament, it is very suitable for you who are elegant but unwilling to be ordinary. The dyeing of CAFE is something we have tried countless times, tried a variety of different coffee beans and different dyeing times, and finally experimented with the golden ratio that can make coffee perfectly color!

ChooseCAFE to let your steps become a unique journey of sophisticated coffee aromatherapy, exuding unprecedented charm and taste!

THE GOAT STUDIO 所有商品皆為手工製作 因此製作時間皆為14天 請耐心等候

( 因材料皆為海外訂購,若排程有延誤將會私訊或致電告知)

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